Our prepay program is easy and convenient! Every summer, ABC Fuel Oil purchases heating oil based on expected demand. We then sell this oil to our customers at a fixed price in advance. This offers our customers protection against price spikes at times of peak demand. The price of pre-pay oil varies year-to-year and is based on the market value of heating oil futures. Supply is extremely limited due to high interest among customers. We encourage you to return your reservation form as soon as possible once enrollment begins. ABC Fuel Oil will close enrollment once our supply is exhausted.
Terms and Conditions
Open a Credit Account
Open a 30-day credit account today with ABC Fuel Oil Co. Inc. With this, customers have 30 days from the day of delivery or service to pay. Payments can be made via cash, credit card, check, or money order in our office, online, or through the mail. The only requirement is an approved credit score, which we check at the time of the account application. Credit account applicants must provide their social security number in order for our credit department to do the necessary credit history review. A credit check is not run without the applicant's expressed permission.
Pay Cash on Delivery (COD)
This is our cash, credit card, or money order account, where the balance is due in full on or before the day of service or delivery. With this account, customers must order a specific amount of fuel. All cash or money order payments can be dropped off in our office before delivery or can be paid directly to the driver. To prepay with a credit card, simply call our office with the card information or use the form for online ordering and schedule your delivery day. Check payments for COD accounts can be made; however, they require prior approval from the office.
Apply for a Budget Plan
ABC Fuel Oil offers a 10-month budget plan for customers from August through May with credit account approval. This payment option helps spread the seasonal costs of fuel over a 10-month period. Monthly payments are due on the 10th of every month and are determined using two factors: the customer’s estimated usage and the projected average price per gallon.
As a budget customer, you pay only for the oil you use. At your discretion, any credit left over on the account after the budget ends will either be refunded or rolled over to the next year’s budget. All balances from higher-than-expected usage would be due in full at the end of the budget period.
Although the budget begins in August each year, customers with approved credit can enroll later, provided they are willing to make up all the monthly payments missed because of late enrollment.
If you wish, monthly budget payments can be automatically charged to a debit or credit card. Simply have our office keep your card information on file, and we will take care of charging the account on the 10th of every month!
Read the full terms and conditions of the budget plan HERE.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is a federal energy assistance program administered statewide by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, which assists low-income households with their heating bills. Our customers may qualify for LIHEAP disbursements if they are having difficulty with their home heating bills. ABC Fuel Oil offers LIHEAP vendor participation to existing and active account holders only. We will not open new accounts explicitly to accept LIHEAP funds.
Harrisburg, PA
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